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The Power of NFT Trademarks

The Power of NFT Trademarks: How Blockchain Registration Outshines USPTO In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, intellectual property protection is crucial for creators and businesses alike. Traditional methods of trademark registration, such as the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), have long been relied upon for securing exclusive rights. However, the emergence of Non-Fungible […]

Why You Should Register Your Copyrights

Why You Should Register Your Copyrights Copyright registration is a legal process that provides protection to the creators of original works. It is a crucial step for anyone who wants to protect their intellectual property. by The Trademark Company updated 06/17/2023 | 1 Min Read  Twitter Facebook Registering your copyrights provides you with legal rights […]

The 4-Step Entrepreneur Screening Test

The 4-Step Entrepreneur Screening Test Entrepreneurs are just wired a bit differently from others. It sounds cliché, but they typically hold the belief that pretty much any problem can be solved if we have the time. Where most see problems, an entrepreneur sees opportunities.  by Matt Swyers author of The Maverick Method: How to Win […]

How to Protect Your US Trademark Internationally

How to Protect Your Trademark Internationally We are often asked whether a U.S. trademark registration protects your trademark around the world. Unfortunately, the answer is that it does not. However, today it is easy to protect your trademark globally. Let’s take a look at the options how.   by The Trademark Company updated 06/27/2022 | 5 […]

An Overview of the U.S. Federal Trademark Registration Process

Overview of the Federal Trademark Registration Process A U.S. federal trademark registration is a valuable commodity.  It’s how consumers in the marketplace identify your goods and services apart from those of your competitors.  It’s also invaluable in stopping your competitors from adopting trademarks that are confusingly similar to yours. by The Trademark Company updated 04/02/2024 | […]

What Entity is Right for Your New Business?

What Entity is Right for Your New Business? We are often asked by our customers ‘What type of entity should I use for my new business and where should I form it?’  Although the this is a simple question, the answer typically depends upon what type of business you intend to open and how many owners […]

10 Rules for Startup Success

10 Rules for Startup Success Fifty percent of all new businesses fail within the first 5 years. 50%! That means that if you start a business, and a friend or family member starts a business, on average one of you is destined to fail. Why? Why do so many fail while others succeed?  by Matt […]

How to Select a Great Trademark

How to Select a Great Trademark We are often asked for suggestions on how to select a great trademark by our startup customers.  The response is always the same, “It depends on what you want out of your trademark.” by The Trademark Company updated 06/23/2022 | 4 Min Read  Twitter Facebook There are generally two schools […]

A Quick IP Overview

A Quick IP Overview We are often asked do I need a trademark for my slogan? Can I patent my idea? How do I keep others from copying materials that I have written? Well, here’s a primer for what all small business owners should know to protect their valuable intellectual property assets. by The Trademark […]

NFT Your Trademark

Protecting Your Trademark as an NFT One of the top questions we are often asked is do I really need to register my trademark with the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office? Our answer may come as a surprise to most people: No, no you do not!  by The Trademark Company updated 06/21/2002 | 4 Min […]