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Trademark Monitoring & Assurance

It’s your trademark. Insure it.

Our monitoring and assurance packages shield your trademark from infringement by others. You insure your home, your car, and your business. Make sure to insure your trademark! 

from $9.95 per month

Why insure it?

Safeguard Your Reputation

Your company’s reputation is built on the quality and consistency of your products and services. Unauthorized use of your trademark will cause confusion among your consumers damaging your reputation.

Save Thousands in Legal Fees

You wouldn’t drive without insurance, right? Why? Because if you get into an accident it can be expensive and insurance saves you that cost. Well, if someone else starts using your trademark lawyers will charge you thousands of dollars to get them to stop. Our Assurance Package takes care of the infringement without the need for pricey lawyers. Think of it as insurance for your trademark.

Ensure Legal Compliance

Trademarks are protected by law and you have a legal obligation to monitor and enforce your rights or you risk losing trademark protection of your brand.

Two great options to insure your trademark

Trademark Monitoring

$9.95 per month

Trademark Assurance

$29.95 per month

What sets us apart

Dedicated Account Manager

Unlike other companies where you’re just a number, with The Trademark Company you have a dedicated, knowledgeable Account Manager to answer all of your questions and guide your trademark through to registration.

We Make Legal Easy

Our systems make assembling even the most complex of legal documents quick and easy. Just answer a few simple questions and we’ll take care of the rest!

Affordable, Flat-Rate Services

And unlike services that charge by the hour and can cost an arm and a leg our flat-fee services have up front pricing to keep you within your legal budget.

Questions? We’ve got the answers

Call now to speak with a dedicated Account Manager today (800) 906-8626

All of our Account Managers are ready to answer your questions.

Want us to reach out to you? Send us a note and we’ll reach out to you when you are available.